Headway County Durham: A North East based Brain Injury Charity
In September 2007, a steering group was formed looking at the possibility of creating a Headway Branch to support people with brain injury and their carers in the Durham and Chester-le-Street area.

Support to make this a more formal arrangement resulted in the formation of Headway Durham and Chester-le-Street and, on 23rd September 2008, a public meeting was held at Durham County Cricket Club to formally launch the branch. The event was well attended and included the Mayor of the City of Durham, the Right Worshipful Grenville Holland.
Headway Durham and Chester le Street immediately started offering a drop-in service at the Chester-le-Street Community and Youth Centre during its first year of operation. The branch then moved into premises at the Holyoake Community Centre at South Pelaw, where it continues to run a monthly drop-in session.
In 2013, the branch made the decision to extend its services to the whole of County Durham. In June 2013, Headway County Durham was launched at the Marriott Hotel in Durham and in November that year, became a registered charity.